Begeck is a word unique to the Scots. It can be used as both a noun and a verb and it means disappointment. As a young’un, I loved the sound of it and used it often, usually in the wrong context. But not today…
Three weeks ago we received and accepted an outstanding offer for our home. The deal closes 19th August. We spent our Canada Day weekend going to see two homes and preparing an offer on one of those. I wrote a letter to the homeowners to accompany our offer. They signed it back to us with a minor change in price which we accepted because, despite asking for a ninety day closing, they accepted our August date. The house and the enclave it is a part of are both really pretty and tranquil and in a perfect location. We drove home very happy and excited.
We oughtn’t to have been. Our offer was second in the queue and on Wednesday we heard that we did not get the house.
The disappointment I felt was crushing and probably out of proportion, but also probably warranted because, at this time, there are no other properties in our chosen area for sale that are interesting to us. August 19th, remember? Stress is mounting as we are facing temporary homelessness. In a month’s time!
This summer, our beautiful life is throwing a lot of curve balls our way, giving us so much to think about, process and interpret. We’re doing our level best to see this precarious moment not only as a test but as a gift. As my dad would tell me, you don’t get the good in life without some of the bad along the way.
Life is a bewitching and bewildering trek through terrain filled with happiness, disappointment, strife and reward. If analysed, it scarcely makes any sense, and often doesn’t play fair. This feels like one of those unfair times. The question is, how quickly can we retrieve our normal harmony and serenity…
“If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.”*
‘Though Walden is universally accepted as being Mr. Thoreau’s masterpiece, there is so much wisdom in his journals. He was a brilliant diarist. This is just such a gem! We are trying to quiet our souls, wait patiently and hope for a compensation in this disappointment.
’Til next time, y’all…
*H.D. Thoreau, The Journal
Dandelions symbolise overcoming hardship and we need every smidgen of their power working for us this month!