Great Expectations #5 - Saying our Goodbyes

August 15, 2022  •  1 Comment

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”*

At the beginning of our time at each home we’ve lived in, eight so far, I’ve always thought (hoped) it would be forever but so far, it never has been. You might assume that by now I’d be inured to the process of packing and moving on, but you’d be very wrong. This is our last night in Cobourg after twelve (almost to the very day) years of blissful happiness. Finally this evening, and despite being surrounded by mountains of cardboard boxes, I am feeling peaceful about this move.

We’ve survived (only just!) a final, chaotic and emotional week of goodbyes and lasts.

On Tuesday morning we collected our last PC Express order at No Fills in Cobourg and said goodbye to the amazingness that is Brenda.  Since being bubbled at the arrival of COVID and not being able to go into shops, neither family nor closest friends could possibly have taken better care of us than Brenda.  We’re oh-so-grateful to her and I will miss our weekly chats enormously.

By now, Cam’s sweet tooth is legendary and his favourite treat - bar none - is DooDoo’s butter tarts.  On his way home from golf on Thursday, he stopped in for a half dozen tarts - a last that was very, very sad for him (and yes, I know, you’re all chuckling).

Thursday was also Cam’s last game of golf at Baxter Creek. Gosh, is he ever going to miss his beloved Baxter Boys - genuine friends one and all.

Baxter Creek Golf ClubBaxter Creek Golf Club
Baxter Creek Golf Club, Fraserville, ON.

It has been much more than a week of lasts — indeed many happened much earlier, without out us being cognisant or marking those occasions.  Over the years, Mum and I were often bemused by how rarely we know, as it is happening, that it is the last time we'll see someone or do something.  That is true for us now.  Last Wednesday I went to my favourite place in the county, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, for what I thought at the time was just another, regular visit.  I’d plans for another later in the week and one (or two?) this week as well. As so often happens though, life got in the way and I’ve not been back since. I now know that Wednesday, 3rd August was my last time at Presqu’ile and I can’t honestly tell you which is the sadder of the two; knowing at the time it was my last visit, or looking back and wishing I’d been aware…

Presqu'ile Provincial ParkPresqu'ile Provincial Park
Calf Pasture Point heading out to Presqu'ile Bay, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Brighton, ON.

We've said many a warm and poignant goodbye.  We’ve had front porch visits, phone calls, hand-written letters, cards and countless e-mail messages containing farewells, best wishes, promises to stay in touch and so much love.  These friends, these neighbours, this town and this spectacularly beautiful county have changed me forever. Leaving tomorrow for the last time will surely be harder than leaving any home before - even Joy Drive. I know that driving away from Cobourg will leave a hole in my heart and that, initially, it will be a challenge to cope with that emptiness but I feel confident that the beauty of Essex County will quickly come to my rescue.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”**

This evening, as the last sunbeam falls on the rooftops of Frei Street, I am smiling.  I am grateful because these twelve happy and peaceful years did happen. I am smiling as I reminisce about our lovely time here in Cobourg and Northumberland County.  I am smiling because I have a stockpile of the sweetest memories - enough to last a lifetime!  I am smiling because it happened.

Victoria Park BeachVictoria Park Beach
Victoria Park, Cobourg, ON.

’Til next time, y’all…

*Paulo Coelho
**Dr. Seuss




Doo Doos is SO GOOD!
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