Great Expectations #1 - The End of a Season

June 24, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

“You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.”*

sold signsold sign

We sold our home on 20th June and the congruity of the two season endings - the meteorological and this season of our lives - felt symbolic.  And right.  I’m a sucker for happy endings and I sure hope this is one of those.  Axiomatically, all endings  are also new beginning and I also hope it is a happy beginning for the purchasers.

Frei Street has, without a doubt, been a welcoming, comfy, cosy sanctuary for us for the past twelve years and we will be taking a cache of treasured memories made here with us to our new home.

The biggest wrench, of course, will be leaving behind so many dear friends, but this is the eighth home Cam and I have shared so there have been seven endings and seven leave-takings, all haphazardly stitched together in our memories like a cherished crazy quilt. Having moved so often, we’ve become adept at opening our hearts to new towns, new homes and new friends and w’re hoping this eighth time will be no different.

We are two of the lucky ones because we’ve been able to choose the timing of  this ending.  Change can be scary but there is great truth in Mr. Irving’s words, you only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else.  We’re very grateful for our Frei Street season but now we're moving on with a sense of peace, of hope and of happy anticipation.

’Til next time, y’all…

*John Irving from his novel The World According to Garp.
This movie is in my top ten all-time favourites, you?  I mean, John Irving’s concept and words, an amazing cast (Williams, Lithgow, Cronyn, Tandy, Kurtz) and the lovely Glenn Close - in this movie she stole a piece of my heart.



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