#17 100 Tiny Beautiful Things

April 22, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Happy Earth Day!

I spent the day at Presqu’ile Provincial Park.  One of my favourite trails runs through Jobe’s Woods.  It is the park’s shortest trail but there always seems to be something new and interesting to see.  Today I was thrilled to find the forest floor painted blue again - the Squills are in bloom!

Squill is an herbaceous perennial of the Asparagus family.  Squill is the common name for several species that are also known as Wood Hyacinths.  Its fanciful name is Faerie Thimbles.  It blooms early in the springtime and, ‘though tempting, do not pick - the whole plant is poisonous (it’s one of the active ingredients in rat poison).  Still, it’s such a pretty, happy looking blossom and that’s why it is today’s one tiny beautiful thing:

Squill (Scilla forbesii), also known as Glory-Of-The-Snow.



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